Increased access to training in European health education through 360° video simulation technology.

The Project Story
Are we there yet?
August 30, 2023
A team based at the University of Nottingham and part of the 360 Visi project...
Test of LIVE 360° video
July 31, 2023
How does LIVE 360° video work – and could it be useful in any way?...
Turku UAS students with thesis subjects related to 360° video
June 26, 2023
In the 360ViSi project, Turku UAS’ students took advantage of the project's theme and lessons...
Overcoming phobias with 360º video technology
June 9, 2023
360º video technology has the potential to revolutionise the way we treat phobias, making it...
Beta version of 360 editor tool
June 5, 2023
Quasar Dynamics is developing a new 360 video editor for educational purposes. A beta version...
360ViSi cases available on HELM Open
May 24, 2023
The University of Nottingham has produced a remarkable collection of e-learning resources which are available...
Workshop on 360 video in education
May 15, 2023
When University of Stavanger’s Future Classroom Lab hosted a workshop about the use of 360°...
Software review: Adobe Captivate
May 3, 2023
During the 360ViSi project, a number of different software solutions for editing 360° videos has...
360ViSi presented on INTED2023
March 8, 2023
A lesson in 360 video production: Creating authentic immersive education. This was the topic when...
Listen to our podcast
March 6, 2023
The 360ViSi project now has its own podcast – called Immersive Insights. Listen and learn...
Screen Story’s workshop
March 1, 2023
Project partner Screen Story held a workshop about 360 video for all their colleagues across...
Business perspectives from Quasar Dynamics
February 27, 2023
Quasar Dynamics, a partner company specialized in open innovation, shares their insights and expertise in...
360ViSi Editor code available on GitHub
February 13, 2023
In this project, Turku University of Applied Sciences has developed an editor for 360° video....
Successful project meeting in Turku
January 23, 2023
Planning the remaining tasks, sharing knowledge and preparing information for the final report was part...
Fluid balance in critical care – a 360 training environment
January 18, 2023
How can we teach students how to estimate fluid balance on patients admitted to an...
Perspectives on business opportunities
January 13, 2023
During the 360ViSi project period, project partner Screen Story has looked for business opportunities for...
Presented 360ViSi project at international conference
November 28, 2022
The 360ViSi project and how to use 360° simulation in education was on the agenda...
Inspiring project meeting in Nottingham
November 16, 2022
Project progress, interesting cases, business opportunities and preparing for the evaluation of the 360ViSi project....
Turning 360° technology into business opportunities
October 31, 2022
As a result of participating in the 360 ViSi project, Screen Story now offers 360°...
Recorded four 360º cases
October 5, 2022
Creating interactive 360º video for eductation requires som work – and is actually good fun!...
EuroLeague Metaverse: Success case
October 5, 2022
One of the 360 ViSi project partners, Quasar Dynamics, has developed its first metaverse for...
Principles for designing, using and sharing reusable learning objects
September 5, 2022
Technology, tools and processes that are to be selected or developed for the purpose of...
Creating new editing tool for teachers
August 10, 2022
All the universities involved in the 360ViSi project have seen the need for an easy-to-use...
Findings on 360 video in other projects
June 29, 2022
Two other EU projects' findings about 360° interactive video and related technologies have been useful...
Adding 360 video to the ASPIRE framework
June 29, 2022
University of Nottingham developed the ASPIRE framework as a development process for creating Reusable Learning...
The business side of 360 video simulation
June 13, 2022
What are the potential business opportunites using 360 media? That was the main topic for...
Transnational project meeting and workshop in Norway
June 2, 2022
Finally – after more than two years with travel restriction during the pandemic, the 360ViSi...
360ViSi project presented at Science Week in Valencia
May 9, 2022
Science Week at the Catholic University of Valencia, Spain, is an annual event hosted by...
Technology and tools – an overview
April 4, 2022
Before creating interactive 360° video for education, it is important to understand the characteristics of...
Metaverse potential for education
March 9, 2022
Meta’s (previously Facebook) new technology for social connection is called Metaverse. In this article, we...
Video meeting in 360 environment
February 23, 2022
Live guided tours from 3D Vista is a new, collobrative way of sharing 360 visual...
Testing the 360 video technology in Valencia
February 21, 2022
As a part of the 360ViSi project, Dr. David Fernandez, Director of the E-Learning and...
360ViSi case on national television in Norway
February 21, 2022
Norwegian broadcaster NRK made a story about a case 360ViSi case executed by Screen Story...
Company point of view to the 360ViSi Editor
February 21, 2022
While looking for cooperation partners, NeoSim Oy, a newFinnish start-up company specialized in lung simulators...
The state of digital technology in higher education
January 31, 2022
Project manager for 360ViSi, Atle Løkken, participated in an online panel hosted by the Norwegian...
Demonstrated immersive reality on Valencia StartUp Market
November 24, 2021
When Valencian private talents gathered to teach the public about disruptive technologies, 360ViSi project partner...
Realistic training to improve quality of ward rounds
November 10, 2021
As part of the 360ViSi project, University of Stavanger has developed an interactive 360° training...
Developing the 360°ViSi Player: a status
October 27, 2021
Project partner ADE in Finland has created a 360°ViSi Player, where the user can import...
Testing the 360ViSi Editor
September 6, 2021
A man lies on a bed in a hospital recovery room. Next to him is...
360ViSi presented in Croatia
September 1, 2021
The 360ViSi project was in the spotlight in Croatia when the multidisciplinary teamwork carried out...
Filming a 360° community nurse scenario in the Covid era
August 26, 2021
The University of Nottingham 360ViSi project team was planning to film a community nursing scenario...
Developed editor and player for 360° video
June 16, 2021
The 360 camera is a just one small part of creating interactive 360° video. You...
Safe learning with a patient surgeon
June 16, 2021
As part of the 360 ViSi project, Turku University of Applied Sciences has created a...
Company cooperation across borders – because of the 360ViSi project
June 11, 2021
Sometimes you find a fruitful cooperation opportunity from the internet. That was the case when...
Review of current literature on simulation training in Health Education
May 18, 2021
When working on one of the reports for the 360ViSi project, a comprehensive review of...
Specific needs for simulation tools in Health Education
April 21, 2021
An objective of the 360ViSi project is to identify areas of health education that may...
The police student case
March 29, 2021
The 360ViSi project partners invited colleagues and people in their professional networks to attend a...
Process for creating interactive 360° video for education
March 15, 2021
As a case study, the 360ViSi team created an interactive 360° video and recorded their...
Simulation-based midwifery education in Malawi and Tanzania
February 11, 2021
The University of Stavanger has received NOK 18.7 million from Norad to implement simulation-based education...
Made art exhibition available in the pandemic – with 360° video
January 18, 2021
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020, Stavanger Art Museum in Norway...
User guide for creating interactive 360° video
November 18, 2020
If you want to use interactive 360° video simulation in education, it can be a...
Searching for the best cases for interactive 360° video simulation
October 21, 2020
The 360ViSi project is progressing from the planning stage into technical development. Identifying cases across...
Zero surgical failures
October 8, 2020
The leading education technology event in the Nordics, the KnowHow EdTech conference, went online this...
Why 360ViSi?
August 3, 2020
In this video, hear from some of the partners why they believe 360 video simulation...
The instrument game
July 22, 2020
Getting used to working in an operating room takes time and practice. Turku Game Lab...
An ocean of opportunities
June 2, 2020
Each partner of the 360 Video Simulation project should develop a solution to an identified...
Using VR and 3D to explain the COVID-19 effect
May 4, 2020
As a nurse and university senior lecturer, the Head of the E-learning and New Technologies...
Kick-off meeting
March 5, 2020
4 - 5 March all seven partners did a two-days workshop in Valencia. The objectives...
VR simulations in a psychiatric clinic
February 19, 2020
The 360ViSi team from the University of Stavanger were invited to test a VR- solution...
Virtual management group meetings
February 10, 2020
Every month the management group meeting takes place online.
Kick-off meeting in Brussels
February 10, 2020
As the coordinator for the 360ViSi Knowledge Alliance Project, Atle Løkken and Mari Linn Atterås...
See what 360 video is all about. Start the video below and use your cursor to navigate around the room.