Catholic University of Valencia, UCV, developed an interactive 360° training environment to teach students to estimate the fluid balance on patients in the Intensive Care Unit.

Case: Fluid balance on a critical care patient
Produced by: Catholic University of Valencia
Objectives: The goal is to teach nursing students how to estimate the fluid balance on a patient admitted to an Intensive Care Unit.
Fluid monitorisation (NIC 4130) by accurately recording liquid input and output.
Prevent the risk of fluid imbalance (NANDA00025), avoiding fluid excess (NANDA 00026) and fluid deficit (NANDA 00027).
Method: A script was written by academics and shared with technicians beforehand in order to outline the actions to be taken, with specific instructions and details to create the overall feel of the production. Afterwards, the recording of the scenario was carried out.
Equipment and tools:
- GoPro Fusion 360º camera
- Adobe Captivate
- Smartphone
Evaluation: A simple case with simple learning outcomes. Previously prepared recording, including briefing with academics and technicians and debriefing after recording and before editing.
User instructions: Navigate around the scenario. Click on the icons/hotspots for information
Link to the solution: